

  • House Churches Under Surveillance to Prevent Worship
    Tirruppur District - Photo: Wikipedia / Dksmohankumar
    Tirruppur District
    Photo: Wikipedia / Dksmohankumar (c)

    Police in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu have put several house churches under surveillance in an effort to prevent their use for Christian worship. House church congregations in several villages were warned to stop meeting altogether. Pastors of these small gatherings have been harassed and ordered to get permission from district officials in order to conduct prayer services.

  • New Regulations Bring Added Restrictions
    Restriction notice - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    A copy of the government
    measures that were introduced.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Authorities in Zhejiang province have instituted a series of new restrictions on churches, including regulations forbidding the practice of baptismal services and the use of offering collection boxes. The monitoring of attendees, types of activities, service times and locations has been given to appointed government officials to ensure all the restrictions are followed.

  • Release of Captured Students and Staff
    Four of the kidnapping victims from Engravers' College. - Photo: Church in Chains www.churchinchains.ie/
    Four of the kidnapping victims
    from The Engravers' College.
    Photo: Church in Chains

    The six students and two staff members of a Christian-run school in Kaduna state who were kidnapped on October 3rd have thankfully been released on October 26th. To review a previously posted report providing more information on the original incident, read this page.