

  • Registration Delays
    Oskemen, Kazakhstan - Photo: Wikipedia / Maonya
    Oskemen, Kazakhstan
    Photo: Wikipedia / Maonya (cc)

    Despite its claimed allegiance to United Nations policies governing freedom of religion, the country of Kazakhstan places significant restrictions on any religious practice. Members of religious groups can only gather if registered, and they can only register if their group consists of at least 50 founding members. Even then, registration is often delayed.

  • Christian Villagers Released
    my khumi girl wiki mridulsa
    Please continue to pray for the Khumi people.
    Photo: Wikipedia / M. Sangma

    Political and religious conflicts are widespread in Burma (also known as Myanmar). The difficulties facing the Muslim Rohingya people have resulted in cries around the world for help and protection. However, there are also lesser-known groups suffering from the atrocities, such as the Chin people who are predominantly Christian. (For more information on the difficulties encountered by Christians in Burma, go to this page.)