

  • Increasing Persecution from Multiple Groups
    A church being transformed into an tribal religion centre. - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Workers convert church to tribal religion centre.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians in India have frequently faced opposition from neighbours as well as authorities. A growth in Hindu nationalism has exacerbated the problem. In recent months, however, attacks on Christians in northern India have spiked even higher, often instilling fear in congregations within the area.

  • Christians Trapped in the Midst of Conflict
    Boko Haram - Photo: Voice of America
    Boko Haram members

    As the West African nation of Cameroon faces conflict on two fronts, Christians are finding themselves trapped in the middle.

    In northern Cameroon, the government has been fighting to stop the insurgence of Boko Haram terrorists who are moving south from Nigeria. In the process, members of the notorious group were raiding and pillaging villages throughout the area, forcing many Christians to flee for their lives. Numerous reports have been heard of pastors being attacked and killed by the militant Islamic group. Issues with Boko Haram also affect other neighbouring countries, including Chad and Niger.

  • Churches Ordered to Close
    A Protestant church in Algeria. - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    A number of Protestant
    churches have been closed.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Churches in Algeria continue to face court-ordered closures, as the Algerian authorities tighten restrictions on non-Islamic places of worship (also see this page). Over the past year, most churches affiliated with the Algerian Protestant Church Association (APCA) have been visited by officials, reportedly to check for safety code violations. As part of their inspection, they also ask to see their licenses -- officially designating their buildings as non-Muslim places of worship. However, the government has yet to issue any such licenses under this regulation.