

  • Abducted Egyptian Christians Beheaded by Militants
    Video screen shot of kidnapped Christians
    before their deaths.
    Photo: AINA

    The Christian community in Egypt is in mourning after 21 Egyptian Christians who had moved to Libya for employment were brutally murdered by members loyal to the Islamic State (ISIS) militant group. Those involved with ISIS posted a video on February 15th showing the savage decapitation of the victimized men. The video, titled "A message signed with blood to the nation of the cross," makes it clear that the men were targeted because of their faith. Additionally, a caption in the video describes the victims as "people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church."

    The believers had been kidnapped around the Libyan city of Sirte in separate incidents during the months of December and January. On January 12th, the Libyan branch of ISIS released a statement that they were holding the Egyptian men in captivity. (For more information about these abductions, you can read our previous prayer alert.)

    The murdered Christians came from villages in Egypt's central Samalut region in northern Minya. This region suffers from high poverty rates due to a lack of job opportunities, causing many inhabitants to move to other Arab countries in search of work. According to eyewitnesses, the friends and family members of the victims were visibly traumatized upon hearing the shocking news of their loved ones' deaths.

    Please join with us in upholding all those who are now mourning the loss of these dear Christian men, bringing our petitions to the throne of our merciful Abba Father. Pray that His peace will greatly comfort them during this difficult time of tragic loss and that His healing will be ministered to their wounded hearts. As they face each new day, may they turn to Jesus for courage, sensing His great compassion as church members come alongside to lovingly shoulder some of their overwhelming grief. Intercede on behalf of the governmental leaders involved, asking for wisdom and discernment in their attempts to end the terror of ISIS. Please also remember in prayer the many other impoverished Egyptian Christians working in Libya, asking the Lord to protect and sustain each one.

  • Pastor's Son Falsely Accused and Imprisoned

    A young Christian man was recently jailed in an effort to hurt his pastoring family, whose role is integral to a new church plant which VOM sources describe as being a "powerful blessing" in the community. Gabriel Jeyva, 19, was serving his mandatory military service when he was accused of forming a cartel against the Cuban government. When Gabriel's father went to the prison to visit his son, the guards refused to let them speak to one another. "We know this is a form of persecution from the government to hurt this young man because he is the son of a pastor," a VOM contact reports.

    Communist rule in Cuba continues to impose restrictions on religious activity. Christian leaders are reluctant to say anything that could be construed as opposing the government in fear that they will then face repercussions. Evangelical believers, in particular, have reported harassment, fines and arrests for conducting public gatherings.

    Please remember Gabriel in your prayers, asking the Lord to strengthen his faith during this time of great trial. Also pray for his loved ones as they endeavour to secure his release. May the false allegations made against him quickly be dropped so that he may be free to return to his family and friends. In the meantime, ask that he be granted opportunities to share the Gospel with fellow inmates and prison guards who do not yet know Jesus. Finally, pray that God will bless the Jeyva family and their ministry efforts so that their church plant may draw many in their community into a lasting and meaningful relationship with our Lord.

    To learn more about Cuba's persecuted church, please read our Country Report.

  • Christian Workers Fatally Attacked in Buddhist Village
    A village school in Burma (Myanmar)

    Two young women were tragically attacked and killed on January 19th because of their Christian work in a Buddhist village. The women, who were serving as volunteer schoolteachers in a village located within Kachin State, had earlier been threatened because of their efforts in sharing the Good News. Local officials had told them to leave the area because they did not want Christians in the village. Shortly thereafter, the young women were reportedly raped and killed by soldiers.

    Despite recent reforms in this predominantly-Buddhist nation, Christians are actually facing increased persecution. New believers routinely lose their employment and homes, and many women across the country are at risk of being raped and murdered by members of the military.

    Pray that God will somehow use this senseless attack to further His Kingdom purposes in Burma so that many will be receptive to the Gospel message. Ask that the faithful testimony and witness of these dedicated women will continue to impact the members of this village community, even long after their deaths. Pray that their loved ones, as well as the students they sacrificially taught, will be comforted in the knowledge that these young women are now experiencing life to the fullest with Jesus in heaven. Please also intercede for the soldiers who perpetrated this heartless crime, that they will be moved by the Holy Spirit to seek repentance and salvation.

    To learn how VOM is standing with our persecuted family in Burma, visit our website.


  • VOMC Ministry Partner Taken Prisoner

    Russell Stendal, a long-time friend of VOMC who ministers along with his family in Colombia, was arrested on February 18th. He reportedly has a hearing scheduled for February 20th. Please pray that he will soon be released! Also remember in prayer his anxious loved ones at this time, asking God to surround them with His peace. For a short video message from Russell regarding the false charges that have been placed against him, please visit this page.