Islamic Militants Abduct Christian Mother of Two

Islamic militants suspected to be from Al Shabaab have kidnapped a Christian mother and threatened to attack her husband because of their faith. Three masked men abducted Shamsa Enow Hussein, 28, outside her home in Bulo Marer, Lower Shebelle Region, on August 5th. Her husband, 31-year-old Mohamed Isse Osman, received a text from her that night urging him to evacuate. "Please leave immediately because of what we believe," she said in the text. "They have abused me sexually, saying I am an infidel."

Mohamed has also received anonymous threatening text messages from the kidnappers, including one that read, "Your wife has told us all about your Christian involvement and soon we shall come for you too." Mohamed and his two daughters, aged 3 and 5, have moved to an undisclosed location. A religious leader in the region claims that Osman has had no contact with his wife since her text on August 5th.

Like most Somali Christians, Shamsa and her husband are secretive about their faith. According to one resident of Bulo Marer, locals are aware of Shamsa's abduction but have no idea why it occurred. "What little we knew about (the) family was that they were not very committed to attending the mosque during Ramadan time," he said. Somalis consider themselves Muslim by birth, and regard Islam as a significant part of their cultural identity. Officials estimate that Somalia is close to 100 percent Muslim. Apostasy, or the leaving of Islam, is punishable by death. For more on persecution in Somalia, go to the Somalia Country Report.

Pray that God will preserve Shamsa's life, bringing her safely back to her family. May they sense His comforting presence throughout the turmoil. Also remember in your prayers other Somali believers who are fearing for their own safety and that of their loved ones. Ask that the Lord will not only provide His protection but also bless them with boldness as they speak the truth in love.

Somalia Information

  • Country Information

    12,693,796 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Somali (85), Bantu and other non-Somali (15)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (99.9), ethnic religions (0.1)

    President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (2022)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of civil law, Islamic law, and customary law (referred to as Xeer)

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Somalia

    Please join us in praying for our ministry partners who are effectively reaching Somalians through the multiple radio broadcasts, specifically asking God to further strengthen and equip them so they can continue with their vital outreach work. Also, pray that the hearts of those yearning to learn more about the Lord will be greatly encouraged through the broadcast messages. May these spiritual seekers be shielded from all harm, while their lives are being radically transformed by the ongoing work of His Holy Spirit.

Somalia News

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    Ahmad Diriye
    Ahmad Diriye, Emir of al-Shabaab
    Photo: Wikipedia / U.S. State Department

    Six Kenyan merchants, all of them professed followers of Jesus, were killed in a border town between Kenya and Somalia on March 29th. The perpetrators of the crime then fled the Somalian town of Dhobley and travelled further into the country. It is believed that those responsible for the attack are members of al-Shabaab, a militant Islamic group based in Somalia.

  • Al-Shabaab "Peace" Offer Poses Threat to Christian Minority
    Al-Shabaab militants
    Photo: Voice of America

    For years, the nation of Somalia has been in a state of political turmoil caused by rival factions that are fighting for control of the country, including the al-Qaeda affiliated group known as al-Shabaab. While this militant terrorist group frequently conducts indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians in general, it is particularly known to target Christians.

  • Arrested Couple Released
    People in Somalia

    On September 21st, police in the self-declared autonomous region of Somaliland detained a Christian couple. They were described as "apostates and evangelists spreading Christianity." To view a previously published report on the arrest, go to this page.

  • Christian Couple Arrested
    Somali children

    At an October 5th news conference, police in the self-declared autonomous region of Somaliland announced that a Christian couple had been arrested for being "apostates and evangelists spreading Christianity." On September 21st, the two were taken from their home in Hargeisa where police also found Christian literature in their possession.