Alleged Blasphemy Instigates Outrage

Men standing on two flags of Sweden.
Protest in Pakistan over the burning of the Quran in Sweden.

A blasphemy allegation has created unrest in the Sargodha district of Punjab, leaving Christians concerned about their safety. This is the third such incident to have occurred in the area over the past month – including one ongoing case involving Haroon Shahzad, who was accused of blasphemy after posting a Scripture passage to his Facebook page on June 29th. (To review the previously posted report, go to this page.)

In this latest incident, a Muslim man by the name of Mohd Abdul Gaffer was returning home after his morning prayers to Allah on July 16th when he spotted a pamphlet tucked into a section of the wall surrounding his house. According to Mohd, the contents were highly disrespectful of Muhammad and the Quran, and it included praise over a recent incident that took place in Sweden where a Quran had been burned. News of the pamphlet rapidly spread, resulting in outrage among the members of the Muslim community. Police quickly responded as demonstrations of protest began to build. Although the officers at the scene were able to quell any violence, a police report was issued in compliance with the demands of the angered mob.

This area of Punjab is home to several Christian communities, and some local Muslims who were angered by the pamphlet have placed blame on the neighbouring Christians. While police intervention likely prevented immediate violence, believers are very mindful of past instances of persecution and feel uneasy about the potential for more mob violence. "The unknown identities of the culprits are cause for alarm, and it is unfortunate that fingers are being pointed towards Christians," states Nasir Saeed, who serves as the director of CLAAS-UK.

Some Christian leaders have suggested that this incident could be the work of individuals hoping to exploit the anger of the Muslim community following the public burning of a Quran in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 28th. Christians throughout Pakistan have condemned the Quran burning, demonstrating their commitment to peaceful coexistence and respect for all faiths. Nevertheless, some militants in Pakistan have endeavoured to stir up hatred against their Christian neighbours, to the point of fabricating stories to incite increased volatility.

Praise God for the swift intervention of the police in this most recent incident. Pray that the authorities will be able to continue defusing any further violence amid ongoing religious tensions throughout this area of Punjab. Prayerfully uphold our Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan as they endeavour to live peaceable lives within a very volatile nation. May each believer be filled with God's wisdom as they seek to interact with those around them – conveying His love, grace and peace to their Muslim neighbours.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC partners to train Christian women in sewing skills throughout Pakistan to provide a sustainable source of income for their families and encourage them in their faith and witness for Christ.

    Project Funds: Families of Martyrs, Women’s Ministry

  • Country Information

    247,653,551 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Punjabi (44.7), Pashtun [Pathan] (15.4), Sindhi (14.1), Saraiki (8.4) Muhajirs (7.6) Balochi (3.6), Other (6.3)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (96.5), Other - Christian and Hindu (3.5)

    President Asif Ali Zardari (2024)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Common law system with Islamic law influence

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Pakistan

    Pray that amendments will be made to Pakistan's existing blasphemy laws so that the country's citizens – including its children – will be protected from injustice and abuse. May our Lord's mercy and justice prevail, not only in the judiciary system but also in the hearts of the country's militants. Ask Him to transform their "hearts of stone" into hearts that are receptive to His love, mercy and the workings of His Holy Spirit – not only for the purpose of protecting the Christian minority but also for the salvation of their own eternal souls.

Pakistan News

  • Blasphemy Conviction for Online Posts
    Furniture and possessions are strewn on a street. Some of them are burning.
    The riots in 2023.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In August 2023, the Christian colony of Jaranwala was filled with violence after allegations of blasphemy were made against two brothers. During the rampage, as many as 400 homes and 26 church buildings were damaged or destroyed. For more details, and to view video footage of the attacks, see this page.

  • Wife of Nazir Masih Dies of a Heart Attack
    Naseem and Nazir
    Naseem and Nazir
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In May, shocking images of mob violence were revealed after 74-year-old Nazir Masih was falsely accused of burning pages from the Quran. The elderly Christian man was fatally wounded during the resulting mob violence, which also led to the destruction of his shoemaking business, along with several attacks against other Christians. Further details on the violent rampage are available here.