Photo: Morning Star News
Adnan Bashir is a mentally challenged Christian man living in Gujjar Khan, Punjab. On April 14th, he wandered from his home and inadvertently encountered a protest being held by members of the Islamist Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) Party.
Seizing the opportunity, the protesters forced the vulnerable Christian man to publicly recite the Islamic creed signifying conversion to Islam. The "conversion" was recorded and posted on social media. That evening, Adnan told his family that as he had been watching the protest, his former employer offered him sherbet on the condition he joined the demonstrators and recited the creed as requested.
Since the video was published online, Muslim acquaintances have contacted Adnan's relatives, asking when the rest of the family would embrace Islam. Some have threatened this family with serious consequences if they "force" Adnan to revert to Christianity, warning that apostasy is punishable by death.
Adnan's brother Fayyaz says that members of the party are monitoring the movements of the family members. "Our lives have become miserable due to the threats and surveillance by TLP activists," he explains. "We can neither seek help from the police, nor any other government or religious leader, because everyone is fearful of the TLP, and also because this matter can easily be turned into a religious issue." Additional reports on the persecution that Christians are experiencing in Pakistan can be reviewed at our country report.
Please pray for safety and guidance on behalf of this family of believers as they face this difficult situation. May God strengthen Adnan, Fayyaz, and the rest of their family, affirming His presence in their lives and giving them the confidence, discernment and grace they need to overcome the onslaught of persecution. Pray that those who forced Adnan to "convert" to Islam, as well as those threatening his family, will be touched by God's love and discover the true spiritual peace that can only be found through faith in Jesus.