Photo: Church in Chains
On March 1st, Nabeel Masih's lawyer successfully argued that there was no evidence of blasphemy committed by the teenage Christian, resulting in his release from a prison in Pakistan on March 18th (read more). He was then swiftly taken into hiding for his protection from militant crowds demanding his death.
It was anticipated that Nabeel's release would lead to his full acquittal once the paperwork was completed. However, court delays have exacerbated the danger of his situation. On March 22nd, lawyers argued that, for his safety, Nabeel should be excused from attending hearings. Instead, the judge ordered that the case be moved to a court in Nabeel's immediate home area, where risks to his safety would be the greatest. Subsequent appeals of the judge's decision have been unsuccessful.
Legal counsel has also called for police protection because of the many threats facing this young Christian. On behalf of Nabeel and his family, the British Pakistani Christian Association has been providing assistance towards the cost of lawyers, security personnel and living expenses. They will also be purchasing protective vests for those involved.
Pray that the courts will act quickly and justly, providing a full acquittal for this Christian teen. In addition, ask God to provide Nabeel and his family the courage, peace and safety measures needed to protect them from harm and harassment. Even in his youth, may the character of Christ be demonstrated through the life of this young man, serving as a powerful witness to all those around him. All the while, through the effectual workings of the Holy Spirit, may the hearts of many respond in faith to Christ.