The concerned parents of Huma Younus, a teenage girl who was forced into marrying a Muslim man, have expressed anger after yet another delay of legal proceedings in their attempts to annul the marriage. Huma, 14, was abducted from her home on October 10th and taken 600 kilometres away where she "converted" to Islam and married her kidnapper (read more). While forcible marriage is not illegal in Pakistan, the Child Marriage Restraint Act does require permission from the guardian(s) if the person is under 18 years of age.
Although a hearing was scheduled for March 4th, Huma was not present in the court to personally testify. The parents presented her baptismal certificate and a testimony from the school to prove her age, but it was ignored. The judge decided to give the police more time to determine her age. The girl's mother, Nagina, informed the court that the police investigator, Akhtar Hussain, knows where their daughter is located but supports the abductors. The court has ordered Hussain to present Huma to the court on March 29th so that a medical examination of her age can be conducted.
Please intercede for Huma's safety in the weeks leading up to the next hearing. Pray that the courts will rule justly, working to protect the abducted young teen from further exploitation. As the members of Huma's family anxiously await her hopeful release and return home, may the Lord's peace rest on them during this time of uncertainty and frustration.