In a move presented as a way to protect Christians, new regulations in the province of Punjab may result in the closure of churches. As of January 2nd, the government is requiring minimum security updates to all church properties. According to one ministry leader, the requirements are short on details but will likely require metal detectors and security cameras with offsite monitoring and storage.
Any church found not in compliance with these new regulations by March 31st faces closure. Some churches have already been scheduled for inspection. One major challenge is that the Christian community in Pakistan is generally an impoverished and oppressed minority, and thus many churches do not have the financial resources for the mandated equipment.
Another danger is the perception given by the authorities. While it is reasonable to expect churches to be responsible for their own security, this can be perceived as a veiled statement that the police will not be available to protect them in the future. As a result, some militant groups may consider this an opportunity to attack unabated. For more information on the dangers facing Christians in Pakistan, go to the Pakistan Country Report.
Pray for the protection of Pakistan's Christians from malicious attacks and discrimination. May an understanding and compromise be reached with the provincial government in Punjab. Remember the believers in this country who are imprisoned for their faith, as well as those living day-to-day in fear of harm, asking God to also grant them the assurance of His abiding presence, provision for their needs, and the resulting peace.