Niger - Several people and vehicles fill a street in Arlit, Niger - Photo: Wikimedia/NigerTZai


Wikimedia / NigerTZai (cc)

French-speaking Niger is home to about 2.6 million nomadic Tuareg people as well as several million Fulani. Both groups live throughout the Sahara region and are predominantly Muslim, with less than 1 percent Christian. The Fulani in this region have not been as radicalized as they have been in Nigeria. Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, and most people are subsistence farmers. Large-scale attacks against Christian communities are infrequent but did occur in 2015 when more than 80 churches throughout the country’s southern region were destroyed. More recently, five churches in the Tillaberi region were attacked by jihadists in 2021. The country has been affected by conflicts in Mali and Burkina Faso, where Islamist groups linked to al-Qaida and the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) have attacked border regions to expand their influence in the Sahel. The ongoing Boko Haram insurgency in northern Nigeria has pushed Nigerian refugees into Niger, displacing thousands in the southeast.

Life for Christians:

Few Christians live in this heavily Muslim country, but several key Christian leaders are reaching their nation for Christ. Entire villages are placing their faith in Christ when evangelists share the gospel. Radical Islamists from surrounding countries, such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, are attacking Christians inside Niger with increasing frequency. Several villages and other groups in border areas have been displaced from their homes because of these attacks.

  • Country Information

    25,396,840 (July 2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Hausa (53.1), Zarma/Songhai (21.2), Tuareg (11), Fulani/Peuhl (6.5), Kanuri (5.9), Gurma (0.8), Arab (0.4), Tubu (0.4), other/unavailable (0.9) (2006 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (99.3), Christianity (0.3), Animist (0.2), none (0.1) (2012 est.)

    General Abdourahame Tiani (July 2023)

    Government type
    Semi-presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed system, based on French civil law, Islamic law and customary law.

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Niger

    Pray that Fulani Christians will have boldness and wisdom as they share the gospel with Fulani Muslims. May they continue to entrust everything they have and even their lives to God, seeing it as meaningless in comparison with the joy of knowing Christ and sharing Him with others (Acts 20:24). Ask God to encourage them to keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39; Hebrews 12:1-3).

Niger News

  • Protesters Set Fire to Church
    Assemblies of God Church in Maradi - Photo: VOM USA
    Assemblies of God Church in Maradi
    Photo: VOM USA

    A mob in the Zaria district of Niger's second largest city, Maradi, set fire to an Assemblies of God church in retaliation for the arrest of a prominent imam. In addition to the destruction of the church building, the pastor's car was also torched. Witnesses say that groups of young people also set up barricades with burning tires in protest.

  • Church Ransacked and Burned
    Musical instruments destroyed by fire - Photo: Barnabas Fund
    Some of the destroyed remains
    in the Niamey church.
    Photo: Barnabas Fund

    For years, the small Christian minority in the west African nation of Niger has lived peacefully alongside the Muslim majority. In recent years, however, the rise of jihadist groups such as Boko Haram has led to an escalation in tension, including the destruction of church buildings and violent attacks on Christians.

  • Restored Churches Emerge from the Ashes
    Evangelical Church, Boukoki, Niger
    Photo: Samaritan's Purse

    New buildings have emerged in Niger from the rubble of churches that were destroyed three years ago in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, France. On the weekend of January 16th and 17th in 2015, more than 70 churches were ransacked by hundreds of militant Islamists who were angered that Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou, joined by five other African heads of state, met in Paris for meetings. A previous prayer alert report on the destruction and chaos that took place in Niger may be reviewed here.

  • Kidnapped Pastor's Daughter Located!
    Zinder, Niger
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    On October 16th, the teenage daughter of a pastor was kidnapped in southeastern Niger. Security forces were alerted at the time of the incident and the 17-year-old, Aphodiya Garba Maida, was thankfully found alive and well about ten kilometres away from Diffa a day later. At the time of receiving this updated report, Aphodiya was in the care of authorities.