Fatalities During the Christmas Season

Coffins lined up with mourners gathered behind.
Coffins of slain Christians in Mallagum.
Photo: Morning Star News

As a local church was about to begin their service on Christmas Day in Angwan Aku, Kaduna, Fulani militants entered the village on motorcycles. Shooting sporadically, one Christian was killed. Before leaving, the attackers also kidnapped 53 other villagers.

Prior to this incident, in the days leading up to Christmas, militants attacked the villages of Mallagum and Kagoro, also located in Kaduna state. Forty Christians were killed in Mallagum on December 18th and an additional three in Kagoro on December 23rd. For those remaining in these predominantly Christian villages, life has been completely disrupted. "The lucky survivors have become refugees in their land," stated one resident. "Mass graves litter the community and the countryside." The assailants were heard to shout the Islamic declaration of Allah akbar (God is greater) while wreaking havoc on the villages.

Nigeria continues to be the nation where more Christians are killed for their faith than any other. While some of the country's violence and kidnappings arise for illicit financial gain, Christians are frequently targeted because of their faith. For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Nigeria, go to our country report.

Please prayerfully remember the grieving families and community members of the many Christians killed in these recent attacks, as well as those who have been abducted or are recovering from other incidents of persecution. Ask the Lord to minister greatly needed comfort and help to His suffering Nigerian people, replacing their uncertainties and fears with inner peace. May He also give wisdom to the members of the country's political leadership, urging them to make this concern of violent persecution a priority. As elections are taking place in February (for a new president and other governing representatives), pray that the Lord will guide the selection process – raising up those who will bring about peace in this divided nation.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC works with in-country partners to encourage and strengthen persecuted Christians through a variety of methods. Christians are equipped with audio bibles to distribute to their persecutors. Christian widows receive skills training and trauma counselling as a way to provide an income for their families and heal from the trauma they’ve faced in losing their husbands. Children who have lost parents and relatives due to attacks are provided with a safe place to grow and be nurtured. Medical fees are paid for Christians who have suffered injuries due to attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani. Discipleship and vocational training are given to Muslim Background Believers to help them start their new lives spiritually and practically. The Glenn Penner Scholarship Award is used to help equip persecuted Christians completing their Masters and have a heart to share the Gospel with the lost in their community.

    Project Funds: Women’s Ministry, Bibles, Medical Fund, Families of Martyrs, Equipping the Saints, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    230,842,743 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Hausa (30), Yoruba (15.5), Igbo (15.2), Fulani (6), Tiv (2.4), Kanuri/Beriberi (2.4), Ibibio (1.8), Izaw/Izon (1.8), Other (24.7)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (53.5), Christianity (45.9), Other (0.6)

    President Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu (2023)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of English common law, Islamic law (in 12 northern states), and traditional law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Nigeria

    May God minister great comfort and healing to all who have been injured or bereaved as a result of the militants' brutal attacks. In addition, pray for the remaining abducted Chibok schoolgirls, that they will be assured of the Lord's abiding presence as they await release from captivity. Continue to uphold President Tinubu and other members of the Nigerian government as they make further attempts to rescue the remaining girls and provide protection for vulnerable citizens. As they persevere in their endeavours to overcome terrorism, may they be granted wisdom, courage, strength and help from on high.

Nigeria News

  • Christians Slain After Being Forced from Bus
    Three Christian men are kneeling, while executioners holding guns are standing behind them.
    The three men who were killed by Boko Haram militants.

    On June 5th, a bus was travelling along the Damaturu-Biu Highway when a group of armed men forced it to stop near the village of Kamuya, which is located on the border between the states of Yobe and Borno. The terrorists, believed to be members of Boko Haram, pulled aside four passengers who were Christians and then allowed the rest of the travellers to leave.

  • Deadly Market Attack
    Bandits in Nigeria are carrying various types of weaponry. All have their faces covered.
    Bandits in Nigeria
    Photo: Voice of America

    As Nigerians were celebrating their national Democracy Day on May 29th, gunmen opened fire on the Maro Junction Market which happens to be located within a predominantly Christian community of Kaduna State. Reports state that as many as 12 people were killed and 20 others injured.

  • Hundreds Rescued from Boko Haram Captivity
    Masked Boko Haram fighters are holding various types of weaponry.
    Boko Haram terrorists have claimed
    the lives of multitudes in Nigeria.

    On May 20th, the Nigerian military reported that 350 captives had been recovered from Boko Haram bases in the Sambisa Forest, a well-known enclave for the militant group in eastern Nigeria. Some of the captors were killed during the military operation. All of the rescued former hostages were taken to the Borno state government house where they will be cared for until they can safely return to their homes.