Although the details are limited at this time, it has been reported that armed bandits have killed two of the worshippers who were abducted from the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kakau Daji village on October 31st. (More details on the recent abduction have been made available here.) Rev. Joseph Hayab from the Christian Association of Nigeria announced in an official statement that the gunmen opened fire on five of the kidnapped Christians, killing two and injuring the other three.
In an earlier interview, Rev. Hayab stated that "the Baptist church is the worst-hit church" in the country's Kaduna state. In July, 121 students were kidnapped from the Bethel Baptist High School in the village of Maraban Rido, which is also located in the state of Kaduna. (For more details, see this report.) Rev. Hayab described the situation in Kaduna by saying, "Surviving as a Christian, and especially as a Christian cleric, in Kaduna state is largely by the mercy and grace of God if you are in these vulnerable communities."
Continue to fervently pray for all the surviving victims remaining in captivity, whether the crimes committed against them be due to religious reasons or strictly for financial gain. May the Lord also comfort the families of these victims, including those who are mourning the loss of slain loved ones. Ask Him to fill each broken heart with His "peace that surpasses all understanding," unexplainable spiritual joy in the midst of difficulties, and the overcoming hope that His greater purposes and righteousness will ultimately prevail. The greatest miracle yet to be fulfilled in these unprecedented days is that of spiritual revival. Pray for the Lord to move by His Spirit throughout Nigeria – transforming the hearts of governing authorities, as well as the perpetrators of terrorism and other crimes against humanity, and all who are seeking a personal relationship with their Creator... the One True God.