A victim of the attacks, James Nengwe
Photo: Morning Star News
Various attacks in central Nigeria late January resulted in the death of at least eight Christians and the destruction of dozens of homes. Fulani herdsmen, accompanied by Islamist militants, raided the village of Zanwra (near the city of Jos in Plateau state) over a number of days. Many of those who survived lost everything they owned.
Though the violence in the area has mostly subsided for now, Christians continue to fear for their safety. According to Pastor Sunday Gado Biri from the Evangelical Church Winning All in Zanwra, their average attendance of around 400 is now about half that number at best, as some have fled and others fear gathering together.
The pastor is calling for a more concerted effort by the Nigerian government to stop these ongoing attacks. He is concerned that intervention by the military has been inadequate, as the raids continue throughout central Nigeria. Amnesty International reports that there were at least 168 deaths connected with Fulani raids in January alone. Learn more about persecution in Nigeria by visiting our country report.
As fear threatens to grip the hearts and minds of God's people in these areas of Nigeria, may they instead rest in the knowledge that the Lord is God over all (Psalm 46:10). Pray that the government will intervene in a way that will bring peace to the region. May God also work through the lives of His people, bringing the Good News of the Gospel to their neighbours, so fellow Nigerians can experience His transformative love and peace amid life's trials.