Kidnapped Swiss Missionary ''Still Alive''

Beatrice Stockli
Photo: World Watch Monitor

The militant group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has released a new video on June 16th, purporting to show that a Swiss nun whom they kidnapped in January is still alive and in good health. The three-minute video, which was posted on social media, shows a veiled Beatrice Stockli speaking in French. In the clip, Beatrice says she has been detained for 130 days, but is in good health and has been treated well, although it has been very hot. She concludes by thanking her family and the Swiss government for all of their efforts to secure her release.

In January, after armed men abducted Beatrice from her home in Timbuktu, AQIM released an initial video claiming responsibility for the kidnapping. In that particular video, a masked man speaking English stated, "Beatrice Stockli is a Swiss nun who declared war against Islam in her attempt to Christianize Muslims."

Conditions of Beatrice's release included setting free AQIM fighters jailed in Mali, as well as one of their leaders who is presently detained at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, South Holland. However, Switzerland is demanding that she be unconditionally released.

Please join us in interceding for Beatrice's safe release and for the protection of all Christians in Mali. Continue to uphold this missionary as she endures captivity. Pray that her friends and family will be comforted in the fact that God is working in the midst of her challenging situation. Also intercede on behalf of her captors, that they would understand the seriousness of their actions. Through this Christian worker's witness, may they be given an opportunity to learn of the Lord's great love for them, repent of their ways, and receive His wonderful plan of salvation.

  • Country Information

    Mali map & flagPopulation
    21,359,722 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Bambara (33.3), Fulani (Peul) (13.3), Sarakole/Soninke/Marka (9.8), Senufo/Manianka (9.6), Malinke (8.8), Dogon (8.7), Sonrai (5.9), Bobo (2.1), Tuareg/Bella (1.7), other Malian (6), from member of Economic Community of West African States (0.4%), other (0.3)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (93.9), Christian (2.8), Animist (0.7), none (2.5) (2018)

    Transittional President Assimi Goita (2021)

    Government type
    Semi-presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the French civil law model and influenced by customary law; judicial review of legislative acts in Constitutional Court

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Mali

    Ask the Lord of the harvest to send people to boldly share the gospel with the largely Muslim population. Pray the existing churches will remain faithful, never giving in to the pressure of those who oppose them. Pray that the church will display the light of Christ amid jihadist activity.

Mali News

  • Missionary Executed in Captivity
    Beatrice Stockli - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Beatrice Stockli
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In January 2016, Beatrice Stockli was kidnapped in Timbuktu. The militant group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has claimed responsibility, stating that Beatrice had "declared war against Islam in her attempt to Christianize Muslims" (read more). Six months after her arrest, and again a year later, videos were released showing that she was alive.

  • Raid of Three Villages Results in Tragic Loss
    Destruction of a church building - Photo: Barnabas Fund
    Photo: Barnabas Fund

    Suspected Fulani militants killed twenty-seven people in three predominantly Christian villages of Central Mali. The village of Tillé was raided on May 26th, resulting in the deaths of seven, some of them burned alive. Over the next 24 hours, the attackers moved on to the villages of Bankass and Koro, killing another twenty villagers.

  • Militants Attack Churches in Northern Regions
    Niger River

    In late September and early October, at least three churches in the Mopti region have received "visits" from jihadists. In Dobara, the militants smashed their way into a church from which they removed crosses and furnishings that were later piled up outside and burned. In Bodwal, members of the same extremist group drove worshipping believers out of their church, warning them that if they ever returned to ring the bells or pray, they would be killed.

  • Kidnapped Missionaries Appear in Video
    Boats in Mali

    On July 1st, a coalition of jihadist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda released a video showing six foreign hostages, including three missionaries, just hours before France president Emmanuel Macron made his most recent visit to Mali, offering help in support of the African nation's anti-terrorist efforts in the Sahel region. The three missionaries who appeared in the video are from Colombia, Australia and Switzerland.