Photo: Middle East Concern
Last month, it was reported that the prison sentence for Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh was to be reviewed by the Supreme Court of Iran (read more). Naser was convicted in 2017 and sentenced to ten years in prison for allegedly "acting against national security through the formation and establishment of an illegal church organization in his home."
In a disappointing turn of events, however, the Supreme Court ruled on February 19th that the request for a retrial would be summarily dismissed. The decision was not communicated to Naser's family until March 1st. Reacting to the judgement, Naser's lawyer stated, "Unfortunately, the branches of the Supreme Court issue verdicts in an arbitrary way, without considering the rights of the accused."
Naser is being held in Evin Prison, which is notorious for prolonged interrogations and the abusive treatment of inmates. During the past five years of his imprisonment, the Christian man has written several letters. In one dated November 2019, he was able to write, "I hope that Christ's love will spread through the voice of imprisoned Christians throughout the world."
Prayerfully remember Naser and his family as they face the ramifications of this frustrating news. May they not become disheartened but rather be further encouraged to continue reaching out in a way that will draw people to an understanding of God's sacrificial love for them. Uphold the many followers of Christ who are presently serving time in Iranian prisons, asking Him to increase their strength and courage so they can hold firmly on to their faith, no matter the cost.