Around 60 Christians were gathered for worship on the morning of Sunday, August 29th, when a mob of over 100 people barged into the facility and began shouting Hindu slogans. The perpetrators proceeded to physically assault all of the attending church members, destroy their musical instruments, and tear apart a Bible before trampling it underfoot. The invading militants then placed Hindu idols in the building and began worshipping them.
Pastor Kawalsingh Paraste and his family were particularly targeted during this violent raid. When some of the Christians questioned the attackers, the vandals stated that (according to them) everyone who happens to be born in India must remain Hindu and, therefore, they can only worship Hindu deities.
The congregants of this recently attacked church, which is located in the village of Polmi, have been meeting at the same location for almost 20 years. Prior to the incident, they had lived in peace with other villagers for years. According to witnesses, the mob allegedly came from the neighbouring village of Bhejgar.
While a police report has been filed, Christian leaders in Chhattisgarh accuse the authorities of inaction. Arun Pannalal, the president of Chhattisgarh's Christian Forum, stated that at least ten attacks have occurred within the past two weeks alone, yet no action had been taken by the authorities. For further information on the persecution of Christians in India, including previously posted reports, go to our country report.
May the peace that had existed for years in the village of Polmi – specifically among its Christian and Hindu members – be prayerfully restored, allowing the recently attacked followers of Jesus to freely resume the practice of their faith in safety once more. Intercede for the salvation of those responsible for the recent anti-Christian attacks in Chhattisgarh. May their hearts be touched by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, leading them to repentance for their wrongful actions. Pray that this recovering church community will convey the love of Christ to those around them in all circumstances.