Photo: Morning Star News
Bijaya Kumar Sanaseth was convicted of the murder of a popular Hindu swami in 2008, along with six other Christians. The conviction came despite claims of responsibility by Maoist rebels. In a July 27th decision, India's Supreme Court ordered Bijaya's release, just months after another one of the accused believers, Gornath Chalanseth, was likewise freed on bail. (See the previously posted report.)
Bijaya recounts the many years of separation his family experienced due to the lengthy imprisonment: "My six children were very young, with my youngest child, a girl, being one year old, and my oldest, a boy, was nine years old. Today the youngest is 12 and my oldest is 20. Nobody can give me back the years that I have lost." Since the Supreme Court had ordered his release on bail, Bijaya will not need to return unless the high court itself orders it.
Praise God for the release of these two wrongly convicted men. Please remember the other five Christians who are still unjustly imprisoned for this crime, interceding for their release as well. Pray for Bijaya's adjustment to life outside the prison, and for the re-establishment of his family relationships. May justice and restoration take place in the lives of each prisoner related to this case, and their families, even these many years later.