It has just been brought to our attention by VOM partners in India that Hindu extremists recently attacked a satellite church that was working among the extremely poor in Bangalore. The perpetrators entered the church while the service was taking place. Thankfully, most of those who participated in the service had safely escaped, with the exception of two church workers who were badly beaten.
To date, the police have not registered a complaint due to their concern over political ramifications. However, they have assured the pastor that strong policing tactics will be used so the extremists won't attack the church again. (Note other reports on India that are included in the India Country Report.)
Please keep this Bangalore pastor and congregation in prayer, including the two men who were injured in the attack. May the landlord who rents the premises to the church not withdraw permission for it to carry on. Last, but not least, please intercede for the perpetrators and others in the community who desperately need God's mercy, forgiveness and eternal salvation.