A book stand, a church building and a school, which are all operated by Hopegivers International, were destroyed in Ramganjmandi in the Kota District of Rajasthan State on February 17. According to VOMC sources, the problems began when Hindu militants purchased a book from a display which contained negative references to Hindu gods. It is believed the violence may have been intended to prevent annual graduation ceremonies planned for February 23-26, just Hindu militants attempted to do in 2005. The purchase of the book is seen as an attempt to provide justification for the anti-Christian violence. In the wake of police warnings, Hopegivers has postponed the ceremonies.
Despite the damage caused to the mission property, the only ones detained by police were three mission workers.
Pray for the leadership of the mission, as well as those whose graduation has been delayed. Pray that the leadership in the mission will be led by the Holy Spirit as they decide what action to take next.
For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, click here.