Christians in Ciracas, East Jakarta, were jubilant when local officials removed the seal from the door of their church building on June 26th, three months after it was forced to close. The officials had claimed earlier that the congregation's legal permits and other requirements were incomplete, leading to the closure of the GKI Palsigunung church building on March 20th.
During the month of March, just prior to the closure, the church was forced to move to a new area after flooding drove the congregants from their previous worship site. Upon finding a new location, they obtained the required number of signatures from nearby residents – a government prerequisite for establishing a place of worship in the community – and applied for the necessary permits. However, because the local neighbourhood leader, as well as the head of the Citizens Association, refused to sign the application, the church building was forcibly sealed.
Apparently, some officials had understood that the building was to be used as offices and not as a place of worship. Now that the authorities have reopened the church, one provincial leader stated that concessions will be made to allow worship in the building while the final paperwork is being completed. It is hoped that the revisions to the application will be completed soon, allowing the building to be legally used as a place of worship. One member of the church expressed her hopes that the church will not be forced to close again.
Places of worship in Indonesia frequently encounter obstacles when attempting to conduct services, particularly from local governments. Strict permit requirements are in place for churches, and the arduous permission process can take years to complete. Sometimes local officials also attempt to ban religious gatherings in local homes. More about the persecution of Christians in Indonesia is available at our country report.
Praise God that these church members have gained access to their new building! Pray that the permit process will be completed promptly and efficiently, allowing these believers to resume their worship activities without encountering any further difficulties. Continue to pray for the many other churches in Indonesia that are experiencing opposition from local groups wanting to prevent the advancement of the Gospel, asking the Lord to minister renewed strength, peace and encouragement to His persevering followers.