Police were stationed in Beni Meinin
after the attack on the village church.
Photo: World Watch Monitor
Since legal changes were recently implemented -- making it easier for churches to obtain permits -- there have been several instances of Muslim villagers opposing the opening of Christian churches. On May 10th, we reported that some were confronted by angry mobs and the subsequent attempts of local officials to resolve the issues through reconciliation. (To review the previous report, see this page.)
Another such church in Beni Meinin, a village located about 90 kilometres south of Cairo, also faced violent mobs -- resulting in the arrest of several Muslims and Christians. On May 22nd, all charges were dropped. However, according to the terms of the conciliation agreement, the church has agreed to close until it receives full legal approval. Any services, including weddings and funerals, will need to be conducted elsewhere in the interim.
At last report, more than 3,500 churches in Egypt are awaiting legalization. Pray that action will be taken to further the process, enabling worship services to resume soon.