Pastoral Leader Threatened with Arrest

Rev. Alain Toledano
Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

The reverend of the Emanuel Church, which was demolished on February 5th, has now been threatened with arrest. Reverend Alain Toledano was told by the chief of police in Santiago de Cuba that charges are being prepared against him concerning the alleged illegal possession of chairs and supports for the roof of the destroyed church.

The police threats came after Reverend Toledano and a number of other church leaders held meetings on February 23rd with regional Cuban Communist Party (CCP) and Ministry of Housing and Planning officials to discuss the events of February 5th. According to the reverend, the First Secretary of the CCP in Santiago told the group that the belongings of the church would be returned, and the question regarding the future of the property and his family home would be discussed with government officials. However, at a meeting later in the day, government officials and the police chief contradicted the CCP official and informed the reverend that a criminal case was being built against him.

Reverend Toledano, who belongs to the Apostolic Movement, a network of churches that the government has refused to register, was out of the country attending a religious event when the demolition of his church and home took place. Shortly after his return on February 12th, he was visited by six state security agents who warned him not to hold any religious meetings or to "go out into the streets." The pastoral leader also expressed concern for his wife, who was dragged out of bed at 5 a.m., then handcuffed and detained for the duration of the demolition, along with her two young daughters who witnessed the mistreatment their mother endured. All three are exhibiting signs of emotional trauma: "My daughters toss and turn all night, and during the day they are dazed and fearful," he adds.

More information on persecution in Cuba, including reports of other cases, may be reviewed at our country report.

Pray that the Lord will strengthen and encourage Reverend Toledano, his family and congregation so they will be able to withstand the opposition of the governing officials. Just as God shut the mouths of the lions in the Old Testament account of Daniel (chapter 6) so no harm could come to His faithful servant, may the threats of charges against this Cuban church leader not come to fruition. Like the mentioned Biblical character, may Reverend Toledano be granted wisdom and favour when dealing with the authorities. In addition to needed healing and restoration for this victimized family and church congregation, pray that the Lord will bring about changes in the hearts of the authorities through the work of His Holy Spirit and the witness of these steadfast believers.

  • Country Information

    10,985,974 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    White (64.1), Mullato or mixed (26.6), Black (9.3)

    Religion (%)
    Christian (58.9), folk religion (17.6), none (23.2)

    President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez (since 2018)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on Spanish civil code

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Cuba

    Ask God to provide wisdom to Cuba's church leaders, specifically requesting that they will exemplify grace toward all governmental authorities  while remaining bold in their presentation of the Gospel.

    Pray for the salvation of the current governmental leader, Raúl Castro, as well as those who work under his leadership.

    Pray that the believers of this country will not fear government reprisal but live in unconditional surrender to the Lordship of Christ.

Cuba News

  • Pastors Detained for Organizing Religious Freedom Conferences
    Alejandro Hernandez Cepero
    Pastor Alejandro Hernández Cepero
    Photo: CSW UK

    In the early hours of October 31st, Alejandro Hernández Cepero, who serves as the pastor of an independent church in Cuba, was taken from his home by state security officers and detained. Another pastor, Luis Eugenio Maldonado Calvo, had been summoned to appear before the authorities that same day, and was subsequently also taken into custody.

  • House Church Denied Reopening
    Amparo Gallo's congregation - Photo: VOM USA
    Amparo Gallo's congregation (before pandemic restrictions).
    Photo: VOM USA

    Following an ease of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the Cuban government announced that churches could begin meeting again in person as of Sunday, October 10th. However, two days before the restrictions were scheduled to be lifted, a house church led by Amparo Gallo received word that they would not be allowed to meet. The house church, located in the city of Santa Clara, presently has approximately 1,000 members.

  • Church Building Destroyed
    Assembies of God church - Photo: VOM Australia
    The demolished church.


    In the early morning of October 30th, authorities arrived with equipment and began demolishing the Assemblies of God church in Santiago de Cuba. The church, led by Pastor Faustino (Fausto) Palomo Cabrera, belongs to a legally recognized denomination.

  • Released from Detention
    Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre - Photo: Facebook / Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre
    Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre
    Photo: Facebook /
    Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre

    Ricardo Fernandez Izaguirre, an independent journalist and religious freedom advocate, was detained on July 12th, at the same time various religious leaders were being blocked from leaving the country to attend meetings in Washington on religious freedom. (See our previously posted report.)

    On July 19th, the day after the symposium in Washington was finished, Richardo was thankfully released. "I was freed without any explanation -- just as they had arrested me," he announced with relief over the outcome.