Photo: ChinaAid
In August 2021, 12 church leaders from the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi, were arrested – including Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli. The government accused the Christians of fraud because the church was collecting money in the form of tithes and offerings to support the ministry.
The authorities attempted to coerce the ten church members to turn against the pastor and his wife in exchange for being released on bail. Some firmly refused; others initially agreed but then later refused, and a few chose to cooperate with the police in the face of the mounting pressures against them. The church members who were released on bail will be represented by lawyers appointed by the government. Those who refused to cooperate have remained in prison for the past two years while awaiting trial.
The church has been notified that the case will be heard on August 21st at the Yaodu District People's Court in Linfen. Prior to this situation, Pastor Wang and his wife previously served time in prison because of their ministry activities. In 2009, they were arrested for "gathering a mob to disturb public order" after organizing a prayer rally (read more). For that conviction, Pastor Wang served four years and Yang seven years in prison. There are concerns that the sentencing for the new charges may be more severe.
Please pray for the upcoming trial, asking that there would be a favourable outcome for these accused Christian leaders, many of whom have patiently endured imprisonment for the past couple of years on false charges. May God minister His perfect peace to their hearts and minds, while providing them wisdom, protection, and the spiritual fortitude they need to stand firm in the midst of ongoing pressure. Also prayerfully uphold all the other members of this persecuted church, who have faced so many trials over the years, praying that these faithful followers of Jesus will likewise be empowered by the Holy Spirit so they can continue leading lives of resilient faith.