Photo: ChinaAid
On May 31st, Elder Hao Ming was finally able to visit with his lawyer, more than six months after his initial arrest. Elder Hao had been arrested on November 17th when police raided the Early Rain Qingcaodi Church. (See this report for details on the original case.) The visit took place at the Deyang City Detention Centre in China's Sichuan province.
According to Elder Hao's wife, Yang Yufeng, the retired pastor is in very poor health and, without needed medical treatment, his life may be at risk. However, because the detention centre has been locked down due to COVID-19, Elder Hao is not allowed to leave the premises to obtain treatment. In a social media post, Yang asked for prayer that God would move the authorities to release him or allow bail in order that he might receive the necessary treatment.
Elder Wu Jiannan, who was arrested at the same time as Elder Hao, is also awaiting trial from the Deyang City Procuratorate. Elder Wu's wife, Cui Yanqin, posted an update on social media, thanking Christians for their prayers. Cui is able to report that, though her husband has lost a lot of weight, he remains joyful.
Pray that justice will come quickly for these two imprisoned church leaders, resulting in their soon release. In particular, pray that Elder Hao will be able to receive the medical treatment he so desperately needs. Ask the Lord to provide both Elder Hao and Elder Wu, as well as their concerned family members, protection, strength and the comforting assurance of His abiding presence with them. Praise God that, even in the midst of imprisonment, there can be rejoicing because of His ongoing faithfulness.