Photo: Ben Cao
In a recent letter from prison, Pastor John Cao was able to report that he is in good health and his blood pressure is now normal. While missing family and friends around the world, he asked his mother to pass along greetings, stating that he has not stopped interceding for the health, peace and faith of others.
Pastor Cao had been actively involved in helping children along the border of China and Myanmar when he was arrested in 2017 for "organizing an illegal border crossing." His wife and sons are presently in the United States. John's mother has attempted to visit him, but says she is no longer allowed because of pandemic restrictions.
Please continue to lift up Pastor Cao and his family members in your prayers. May the Lord provide him the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength needed during his time in prison. Ask God to protect Pastor Cao and, through the Holy Spirit, serve as his Helper and Comforter. Intercede for Pastor Cao's opposers; that their hearts may be enlightened to the truth of His Word, receptive to the conviction of their sin, and responsive to the love and salvation of Christ.