Photo: ChinaAid
The Xingguang Church in Xiamen city meets in a residence because they refuse to join the government-sanctioned Three-Self Patriotic Movement. On May 3rd, security officers burst into the home while the church was gathered for worship. The Christian men who had been guarding the door were pinned down and worshippers were forcefully dragged out of the home. Calling the meeting illegal, the officers demanded that church members stop recording with their cell phones and then confiscated them. However, a short video clip has been made available here.
Throughout the proceedings, no warrant was presented. At least three of the Christians were injured and one had to seek medical treatment. Six of the worshippers were detained for several hours before being released that evening. The authorities have issued an order officially banning the church gathering. For more about the persecution facing Christians in China, visit our country report.
Pray that the members of the Xingguang Church will find ways to continue encouraging one another and thus grow stronger in their Christian faith. Pray that President Xi and his administration will ease in their opposition to the Gospel. May each of these political leaders experience the love and saving grace of God and, as a result, come to faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, who is longing to be their personal Saviour and Lord.