Christian Killed in Violent Attack

A 60-year-old Christian businessman in Bangladesh has been killed in a violent attack, and the terrorist organization Islamic State has claimed responsibility for his death. Shunil Gomez of Boraigram region in the northern district of Natore died on Sunday, June 5th, after receiving three deep gashes on the back of his neck. According to police inspector Inam Ahmed, the attack bore similarities to previous local fatalities perpetrated by militants.

In the past seven months, at least six people have died in violent incidents within the region. Attacks have targeted Christian pastors and Hindu temples, as well as mosques belonging to the Shia minority. "For many years, in the Muslim-majority nation of Bangladesh, Christians were relatively free to practise their religion," reports a VOMC correspondent in Bangladesh.

The correspondent explains why there has been a dramatic increase in persecution: "Two years ago this began to change, and now a small minority of radical Islamists are having a big impact upon religious freedom by targeting well-known leaders and secular bloggers for assassination. Our VOM partners are taking new precautions, but they are still finding ways to share the Gospel and disciple new believers without drawing attention to themselves." Learn more by reviewing the Bangladesh Country Report.

Thank you for lifting up Shunil Gomez's family, praying that they will tangibly sense the loving comfort of our Lord Jesus as they grieve during this difficult time. Ask Him to protect our VOM ministry partners and all the other Christian believers in Bangladesh. May they be filled with wisdom and power as they continue to obey the Great Commission despite the threat of persecution.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The people of Bangladesh are hungry for the Word of God, and in response VOMC is helping to provide Bible training to a group of Christian men who have a strong desire to learn and grow.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    167,184,465 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Bengali (99), other indigenous ethnic groups (1)

    Religions (%)
    Islam (91), Hinduism (8), other - includes Buddhism and Christianity (1) (2022 est)

    President Mohammad Shahabuddin Chuppi (2023)

    Government type
    Parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Based on English common law and Islamic law.

    Source: CIA World Factboo

  • Pray for Bangladesh

    As the Word of God goes forth in Bangladesh through the Christian radio and television broadcasts, may the "Good News" of the Gospel accomplish mighty things in the lives of all who hear it! Pray that the seeds sown in hearts will take root and bear healthy and lasting fruit, and that the spiritual leaders of this country will be ready and equipped to disciple the resulting influx of new believers.

Bangladesh News

  • Church Faces Ongoing Oppression
    Church before and after destruction. - Photo: AsiaNews
    The church in Suandrapara before and after the attacks.
    Photo: AsiaNews

    For several weeks, a small church in Suandrapara, a village of southeastern Bangladesh, has been facing threats from militant Buddhists who were attempting to coerce the Christians to return to Buddhism, even though many of the churchgoers had converted several years before. As a result of the oppression, most of the 50 members of the Bangladesh Tribal Baptist Church have been forced to stay away from their homes for fear of attack.

  • Rohingya Christians Deal with Aftermath of Attack
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital. - Photo: VOMC source
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital.
    Photo: VOMC source

    In last week's "Persecution & Prayer Alert," an urgent prayer request was issued for Christians who were recently attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp and the imminent forced marriage of a pastor's daughter to a Muslim man (read more). Since the previous report, more details have continued to come to light.

    The attack occurred in Kutapalong, the world's largest refugee camp. More than 20 Christian families were attacked with at least 12 people injured. A similar attack happened in May 2019 by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army who claim to be fighting for the liberation of the Rohingya. Local police insist that the ARSA is not involved and have downplayed the number of injured.

  • Urgent Prayer Needed!
    Person praying

    Please immediately stop and pray for this critical need right now as it's a very time-sensitive situation and in the process of happening as you read this.... The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has just received news that three Christian families were attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp this past week.


  • Christian Convert Released from Prison

    Sisir Islam - Photo: VOM US
    Photo: VOM USA

    A Christian convert from Islam, who had been imprisoned for more than two years, was released on bail recently. Sisir Islam became a believer in 2012 and immediately began sharing Jesus with others in his community, leading 17 friends to Christ.

    On September 23rd, 2014, after returning home from a VOM-supported training centre, Sisir was charged with the murder of a local business man. He later learned that Muslim leaders in his village had accused him of the murder as retribution for his conversion to Christianity.